Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Simple Steps for better Usability

Generally designers start working on a new project without doing any research at all. They think lets try new CSS trick, this looks good on another website, I want to use this feature. But this is not the correct way.These things are more improvements to solutions than they are solutions to the user's problems.
1. Discover and analyse the problem
Don't look at websites with native fonts and ugly color schemes and try to copy them. Start looking at websites as solutions, solutions to problems. Problems might include:
-  Unwanted steps in a sign up flow
-  Purpose of website is not clear
-  Not responsive
-  Not accessible to all users i.e color blind users
-  Too much load time

2. Try to know your users
First figure out your users who are experiencing those problems and try to find the solutions to their problem from their perspective. Find out as much as you can about your users before you start.
-  What is their average age?
-  What do they want from your site?
-  How does your site suites to their needs?

3. Storytelling
Make a story for your site/app explaining how users will interact with the application and discuss among your team as if you are telling a complete story to each other(as you tell a story of your favourite movie).
This will help in analysing each entry points to the major functionalities you have kept in your system and what users will be looking out from them.

4. Start with wireframes
Now, you can start wireframing the workflow of your application by starting with the most important entry page not always the home page(say blogs is the most important page of your application where users are coming regularly and updating them), take your pen and paper and start adding content. Start wireframing on paper first and then on any wireframing tool.
So, lets suppose we are wireframing our most important page, we need a heading, logged in user icon, the date etc etc. Check each content which you are adding is relevant or not. If so, add it. If not, leave it out. Keep it going until you add all the necessary elements. Also, start thinking how the content should be shown, in a button form/in drop down/icon etc and where exactly it will be shown and where it will direct your users to go(next page or some other link on the same page).every single piece of content you add has a valid reason for being there. It should solve problem which you have discovered in 1st step.
If you offer too many options to them, then they will probably do nothing. So choose wisely.
Similarly start drilling down to all other entry points. It should be easy for the users to complete their tasks in most easy way possible and can reach to their desired goal.

5. Make Communication effective
Make communicate of the information to your users in the quickest, most effective way possible. Video and images are very effective modes of communication. Icons are used these days in websites as well as mobile app to communicate with users effectively. you should see well designed websites and see how they are using images and icons to communicate effectively.
Most users scan websites rather than read them. Try to gain their trust. Give a heading which is short and sweet to each section of the page , so users can quickly scan to the section they’re interested in. Try doing different things until you have effectively communicated what you’re trying to say in the most simplest way possible.

6. Guide your users properly
When a user lands in your app and doesn't immediately see how your application can benefit them, chances are they're gonna leave it and won't be coming back anytime soon. So, decide the journey wisely and guide the users at each step for next action and to go back to previous one.
When a user makes a mistake, don’t just inform them directly in a rude manner or a robot style and leave them to figure out the solution on their own.
If you do this, they will blame your application and you will lose their trust instantly. Instead, tell them that they made a mistake in a polite manner, possibly in a humorous way and then point to the solution to correct them.

7. Start rewarding your users
When your users do something right, reward them. Likewise, don't tell them in a robot manner.
Reward your users in a human tone. Congratulate them and they will feel happy to use your product. Then, they will like your product.

8. Develop trust among your users
When you will give better user experience to your users than their expectation, trust is established.


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