Monday, April 20, 2020

Mitigating Cyber Attacks With IoT Security

Businesses produce large amounts of data that require the utmost safety from hackers. It is essential to adopt disruptive technologies like the Internet of Things to ensure the organization’s data is 100% secure. IoT is used for home and office automation and now it is used for mitigating cyber risks. 

IoT security safeguards connected devices and networks in the IoT. IoT security came to existence when high profile security theft incidents were noticed to attack the larger network. We often receive requests for Smart IoT solutions that enable businesses to accelerate their tasks within the organization and keep the data safe. 

Some IoT Security Challenges

There are various challenges when it comes to securing IoT devices. 

  • One of the major issues that come along with IoT security is using default passwords that cause security breaches. Even the change of passwords is sometimes insufficient to prevent infiltration. 
  • The next issue that occurs with IoT devices security thefts is resource-constraints. The available computing resources are insufficient to implement strong security. Various available devices do not offer advanced security features. For instance, the IoT enabled sensors used for monitoring temperature and humidity are ineffective in handling advanced levels of encryption or advanced security measures. 
  • The next security challenge is connecting legacy assets that are not designed for IoT connectivity. It is expensive to replace these assets with connected technology to retrofit them with smart sensors for improved functionality. The retrofitted legacy infrastructure when not updated on time gets prone to modern threats. 


Read More: Overcoming Smart Home Automation Challenges


Industries Vulnerable to IoT Security Threats

Thefts related to IoT security can happen in any industry including smart homes, manufacturing plants, connected cars, etc. The severity of IoT security differs for each industry or the crucial data it contains. 

Hacking of IoT enabled cars can cause serious injuries to the owner. The brakes of the connected car can be disabled to cause an accident. A pharmacy company uses an IoT device to control the temperature of refrigeration system housing medicines. If the refrigeration system is hacked it can cause serious vulnerabilities.  

Also, an attack against a smart lock can affect the security of people living inside a smart home. 


Protect IoT Systems and Devices

IoT security methods differ from specific IoT applications within the IoT ecosystem. IoT device manufacturers must consider IoT security as the topmost priority and concentrate on building security from the start. It is essential to make the device tamper-proof, develop secure hardware, and ensure secure upgrades. 

Mitigating IoT Device Attacks with IoT Security Measures:

  • Incorporating security at the design phase. IoT developers must include security at the starting of enterprise industrial-based device development. It is essential to enable security by default and provide devices with recent operating systems through secure hardware. 
  • Credentials Security: Designing should not happen with hardcoded credentials. The developers need to update their credentials before the device functions. Handover the device with default credentials that can be later updated by the users through a strong password or biometrics.
  • PKI and digital certificates. For the development of secure IoT devices, Public key infrastructure (PKI) and 509 digital certificates play an important role. These certificates provide trust and control needed for distributing and identifying public encryption keys, enabling the security of data exchanges over networks and verify identity.
  • API security. Security of Application performance indicator (API) is critical to secure the coherence of data sent by IoT devices to the back-end systems.
  • Network security. Network security involves port security by deactivating never opening ports when not in use. It is essential to use anti-malware including firewalls, and intrusion detection systems like blocking unauthorized IP addresses, etc. 
  • Consumer Education. Consumer education is one of the factors that can prevent the dangers of IoT systems. It is essential to inform the customers about updating their default credentials and software with IoT systems to prevent cyber hefts whenever needed. 

Are you planning to integrate your business with the Smart IoT solutions? We are an IoT app development company that enables businesses to deliver smart IoT solutions for controlling various operations at their organization. Get in touch with our IoT experts for complete details! 


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