Tuesday, July 22, 2014

6 Best Marketing Practices to Build Your Brand

Simply developing a website for your Business isn’t really enough to drive thousands of visitors or by offering few services either free or paid even does not ensure that you will have huge conversion rates or generate any income. Given with Millions of websites over the web and thousands of competitors in your niche market , separating yourself from the crowd is much of a challenge to woo your viewers and win them over.
But by implementing few and focussed Internet Marketing Techniques that are sure to deliver results you can fourfold your presence and online visibility and then there will be much higher chances of being found by your prospects . Online Marketing is an Investment Not an Expense , so wise investment is required to generate ROI.


Few  Marketing  fundamentals can never become Old School, no matter how many times the Search Pattern changes some strategies will still occupy the center stage namely -

1.   Content Generation

The more Quality content you provide on your website more visible your internet presence will become . BLOG is the most essential marketing tool of a website for middle scale businesses and serves as the hub of inbound marketing . It is a place dedicated to showcase your expertise to target audiences.
With each adding webpage to your blog you are given with an additional digital footprint and opportunity to rank for your particular keyphrases.

Tips to woo your visitors via Blogs :

  • Write Blog to help not to Sell - Don’t write blogs simply to gain visitors instead try to educate them on your services and products. Try to resolve what they are looking for through your articles and tutorials , doing so will retain your existing visitors and will convert them into your loyal visitors or who knows even customers.

  • Know your Audience  -    Its highly essential for every business to figure out whom they are addressing via their posts. Most  bloggers aren’t really aware of their audiences and try to impress everyone on the line which is not necessary targeting your audiences is the foremost step for every business.

  • Focus on Headlines  -   A Magnetic headline is all you require to make your content more readable and worthy, no matter how much unique and good quality content you provide to your visitors if its been wrapped with a not so engaging heading then chances are less that will be able to hold good quantity of visitors.

2.   Get your Technical SEO in Place

Technical SEO is an important foundation to enhance your popularity and impression on Search Engine giants . It is extremely important to optimize your robots.txt and map out your URL structure. You dont have to be an SEO expert to place few things on their right locations but simply by creating quality content and using basic On-page Optimization techniques you can help your content rise better in Search Engine Result page . Basic techniques includes website structure , navigation , breadcrumbs , meta tags , URL structure , keywords, alt tags , header tags , keyword density etc.

On-Page includes following -

  • Best Keyword Usage with variations   -   Every blog post should have optimal      keywords for which you want to rank in serps . Google now favours keyword phrases and their synonyms more than reciprocating  the main  keyword again and again , if your blog post focuses on one main topic than naturally it will rank better for that keyword.

  • Using Descriptive Page Titles  - Write compelling  and  descriptive  titles  for your post  as  keywords  in  URL  contains  the highest weightage followed by keyword in title.  Since urls are  based on  the  titles  of a  webpage  so its  should be effectively optimized to drain the maximum benefit .

  • Internal Linking with Anchor Text  - To  make search engines  better understand what  your  page  is  all  about  use  keyword  rich internal linking anchor text in your content .

  • Alternate Tags for Images  -   Image optimization is as important as your Content   optimization. For better rankings of your images as well always use keyword rich alt tags , it helps search engine understands the focus and purpose of your pages and images.

  • Meta Description  -   Just like an unique title , an unique description is required for all the webpages  and your blog posts . Quality description with a call to action for each posts give online searches a reason to visit or read your blogs. Its an overall zest of your post and will increase your Click Through Rates for your website.

3.   Social Media Activities
Social  Media  profiles  frequently  shows  up  in  search  results  with  higher  rankings , by selecting the right platform for your business and becoming active there by interacting with followers,  posting readable content and asking questions can fourfold your visibility. Every business can drain benefits from this vast era of social media digital footprint.
Make  sure  all of  your  social  media  profiles  are  well  written , optimized  for  searches , consistently branded  you  should  include  your  complete details and contact informations across all of  your  profiles . The  goal to create a social media  hub for  your business is to ensure a no. of ways to let visitors find and connect you.
Tips to win your visitors via Social Media :
Some of  the most popular website over internet are Social Sites  and whether you love or hate it, social platforms are here to stay . Some effective tips follows :
  • Dont Act like a Bot  -   The biggest mistake often committed on social profile are that some people act like bots by never commenting or responding back to their posts and messages. To get the maximum of it you should engage with your fans and followers regularly, this will improve your relations with them.
  • Timing is Important  -   Posting on social front anytime that suits you is not going to help you much, Instead you should focus on sharing things and updates at time that will give you the most engagement . Tweets in the afternoon or at 6pm is the best time while facebook updates gets the most of it on saturday noons as timing is everything on social media.
  • Handle reviews with Kindness  - You will surely have a mixture of positive and negative feedbacks for your products . Eventually someone will definitely give an unfavourable response but instead of reciprocating in the same manner reply with kindness. Never be rude or disrespectful towards your viewers since it is the whole company you are portraying and not just yourself.
  • Focus On Quality  -   It is not about the no. of followers you have  but the no. of quality engaged followers that matters here. Always focus on building relevant audiences for your business , target your visitors as this only will drive maximum traffic to your website .
  • Use Social Media Shortcuts  -    Blogs are the assets of an website , if you have one then use it effectively to stay connected with your readers. Simply by having social media shortcuts on sidebar you can ask followers to directly share your content.
  • Define Purpose & Maintain Consistency  -   By effectively filling the About section or your Bio in social profile you can display your goals and let people know who you are and how can you help them . Its best to engage daily to your followers, if you don’t have new content every time then repost your most  visited blog or tweets.If you find time to involve once in a week then stick to it but make sure your updates are interesting and consistent.

4.   Curate Content -  
You don’t always have to create original content to be perceived ,even by finding and sharing content which is written by others but enhanced with your own opinions , views and thoughts  you can be a hub of useful information and a valuable service to your followers . You can direct your audiences to quality nuggets of content and keep strengthening your reputation in the online market.

5.   Frequently remove Bad Backlinks -
SEO isn’t about all grandeur there’s this mind numbing repetitive work involved in  it. Just as gaining trustworthy and high authority backlinks are important same is the need to continuously get rid of toxic backlinks pointing your website. Every now and then you should assess your link profile dig into it and find all spammy links and get rid of them. It will help you gain huge competitive advantage by regularly cleaning it. Most webmasters neglect it and only indulge in cleaning when they experience the slump of an algorithm penalty or face a manual penalty by search engines. Don’t wait for it instead keep a check on it on regular basis monthly or bi-monthly.
6.   Tips for Conversion Optimization -
Having an engaged audience is first step followed by an conversion optimization process.
  • Write personalized Messages   -  You can create customer tailored messages for each of your visitors .Personalized messages  is a simple way to boost conversions  based on no. of times a person visited your site to where he she came from .
  • Targeting Your Visitors  -   Mobile App Marketing works tremendous because of the GPS feature within each cell phone. Companies use the geographical location knowledge to show the products and services relevant to them. This can be enabled in website also and it can boost conversions by 28% .
  • 3rd Party Authentication  -     Leverage 3rd party authentication through facebook or twitter so that readers can sign up for your services easily without the need to sign up separately , this helps increase conversions by 59.4% .
  • Ask Questions   -    The best and most easiest way to figure out why visitors are not converting is to simply ask them . You can ask them what’s preventing them to avail your services. Once you have the desired answers and data you can adjust your messaging to win them over.
  • Be Genuine   -    Always be Genuine while practicing conversion optimization . Don’t indulge in practices of making false promises or displaying fake testimonials . You will be able to make money in the short run but in the Long run you are at high risk of degraded brand value and trust recognition.
To discuss how we can help you, please contact with our team at info@oodlestechnologies.com  or skype : oodles.tech
Visit : http://www.oodlestechnologies.com

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