Thursday, April 11, 2019

5 Reason to Choose Kotlin for Android App Development

Designing an application becomes completely meaningless if it is unable to function in the desired manner. Various mobile applications face downtime due to the programming language which has been used in its processing. Various app developers had been searching for a programming language that helps them overcome the difficulties they face developing an application. To help software developers with designing a perfect application JetBrains has introduced Kotlin - a programming language that can help in building commercial applications without any hassle. Let's move ahead and know why developers should use Kotlin for ANDROID APP DEVELOPMENT.
1. Kotlin Offers Brevity
Earlier mobile app developers were dependent on Java programming language to get any kind of application developed But with time they searched for a language which is precise and offers brevity. Kotlin is the perfect programming language that not only offers brevity but also ensures there are lesser errors in code. With lesser errors the production becomes faster, as a result, the application performs better.
2. Open Source
Just like Java, Kotlin is also an open source project. Since it is an open source language the developers can easily expect high-quality development. Apart from this Kotlin also offers support from the slack team through which the chances for errors becomes negligible.
3. Language With a Great IDE Support
In the testing phases of Kotlin, it has gone through several stages of alpha and beta improvements. It was used in a lot of projects before its final release so that the developers do not face any problem while developing an application with it. With world class IDE support it ensures smooth operation and features that are similar to Java.

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