Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Enterprise Benefits of Implementing Cloud Based IoT Solutions

The number of devices connected to the internet has increased tremendously over recent years. According to Comarch, the total number of connected devices is estimated to be a few times greater than the global population. This enormous growth is a direct consequence of the increasing popularity of the internet of things (IoT). A large number of businesses in all major industries like retail, finance, e-commerce, and agriculture are actively using a variety of IoT applications to streamline their communications. Not to mention, the telecommunication industry is amongst the top partakers of the cloud-based IoT technology.

According to Telecom Review, IoT is expected to generate $1.8 trillion in revenue for mobile network operators alone by 2026. To avail the maximum benefits of IoT, enterprises must invest in cloud application development and monetize their IoT resources accordingly. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the key enterprise benefits of cloud-based IoT app development services.

What Is a Cloud-based IoT Solution?

Understandably, IoT is all about connecting various objects to facilitate frictionless communications and making act intelligently with no human intervention. At the same time, a cloud-based IoT solution breathes new life into IT services by improving the interaction between IoT devices. By combining cloud computing with the internet of things, enterprises do not have to deal with the complexities of managing IT infrastructure. 

Furthermore, it enables enterprises to optimize their IT performance and reduce operating costs. Apart from being cost-effective, cloud-based IoT solutions provide increased security, better data mobility, effective disaster recovery, and much more. Let’s move ahead and discuss in detail the main benefits of cloud-based IoT solutions.

Better Scalability

The on-premise IT infrastructures require complex hardware and software resources to scale their increasing inbound and outbound operations. Besides, it requires routine system checks, configurations, and performance optimizations to maintain smooth performance and reduce the instances of downtime. More problems arise while adding new hardware to the network that requires continuous configuration efforts from the technical team. 

Contrarily, a cloud-based IoT system makes it easy to add new resources to the network since there are no prevalent hardware complexities. Instead of configuring complex hardware infrastructure, you just have to purchase additional cloud space or lease a virtual server. As a result, it significantly reduces costs, complexities, and accelerates the process. Besides, integrating your IoT system with a cloud solution makes it easy to scale the increasing number of device interactions and information transfers. 

Increased Data Security

Security has always been a major concern with IoT devices. Since the connected devices are vulnerable to data breaches, third-parties can easily obtain users’ personal information. Several companies use information extracted from digital assistants and wearable devices to run personalized advertisements on various platforms. Understandably, many organizations may feel uncomfortable while sharing their sensitive data with third parties.

Not to mention, a cloud-based IoT system puts enterprises in control of their data which is adequately protected against breaches. In addition, you can avail regular software and firmware updates to avoid all types of malicious attempts to steal sensitive information. Several cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud also provide round-the-clock data monitoring to strengthen data security. 

Corporate Data Mobility

One of the most significant benefits of availing a cloud-based IoT solution is that you get seamless data access across devices. When your enterprise data is stored and processed in a cloud server, you can access it from anywhere across the globe. It brings optimum data mobility, implying that your enterprise data is not bound by any kind of network constraints. As a matter of fact, mobility is of foremost importance when it comes to IoT app development. Many IoT projects require real-time monitoring and management of connected devices where data mobility is essential. With a cloud-based IoT system, you get advanced tools to effectively manage, process, and update your device data remotely with minimal complications.

Reduced Time To Market

Upgrading the on-premise IoT systems to encapsulate new features and capabilities can be a tedious and time-consuming task. In addition, it can be a complex procedure to configure the changes while maintaining system performance and consistency. In such cases, using a cloud-based IoT system can significantly reduce network complexities and accelerate time to market. With cloud computing services, it becomes fast and easy to connect devices to the internet and monitor them to maintain smooth performance.

Cost-effective Solution

Setting up an IT infrastructure can be a daunting task because of the immense hardware requirements. Not to mention, the human resources required to manage these complex hardware systems and database servers add to the operating costs. Installing an in-house IoT system can be challenging if you do not have an effective risk mitigation strategy in place. More often than not, many IoT investments do not produce the desired results in absence of a sound disaster recovery plan.  

Understandably, availing a cloud solution is a much cheaper alternative as compared to purchasing expensive hardware and equipment. With cloud-based IoT app development services, you do not have to deal with hardware complexities. At the same time, it also mitigates huge upfront costs involved with IoT implementation since most cloud providers charge on a pay-as-you-go basis. More importantly, to expand your existing IoT network, you only have to purchase additional cloud space at nominal costs. Furthermore, virtual servers are cost-effective and easier to manage as compared to their hardware counterparts. 

Wrapping Up

These were some of the main benefits of implementing cloud-based IoT systems to streamline enterprise processes. An increasing number of companies, mainly in retail, IT, and telecom are already using these solutions to maximize their ROI. If you are also looking for an effective enterprise-grade cloud solution to strengthen your IoT systems, you have arrived at the right place. 

Avail Our Cloud-Based IoT App Development Services To Maximize Your Enterprise Benefits

We, at Oodles, provide end-to-end cloud-based IoT application development services to enhance operational efficiency at reduced costs. Our development team is experienced in using advanced cloud platforms such as Azure IoT suite, Google IoT Core, and AWS IoT Core to develop feature-rich cloud applications for IoT devices. Our cloud-based IoT development services maximize enterprise productivity, enhance data security, and facilitate seamless communications between devices.

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